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Stata_dta files can be imported into and/or exported from other statistics software, including SPSS and SAS. readstata13 is an R package to read and write Stata file formats into a R data.frame. Stata_dta versions 102 to 118 are supported. Stat/Transfer, a popular conversion utility for statistical data, can read and write Stata_dta files.

Stata_dta is a download format for several data archives, including the Survey of Consumer Finances from the U.S. Federal Reserve. Current Population Survey Data for Social,Economic and Health Research is available for download in Stata_dta format, as is the General Social Survey from NORC at the University of Chicago. See also Stata examples and datasets. Survey Solutions, free software from the World Bank Group for collecting data from structured interviews or web surveys includes Stata_dta among its Data Export Files. As of June 2017, Survey Solutions is generating files compatible with Stata 14, i.e., Stata_dta_118.

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  • The Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) is a national census data system of annual admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities. TEDS-A provides annual data on the number and characteristics of persons admitted to public and private substance abuse treatment programs that receive public funding. The unit of analysis is a treatment admission. TEDS consists of data reported to state substance abuse agencies by the treatment programs, which in turn report it to SAMHSA.\nA sister data system, called the Treatment Episode Data Set -- Discharges (TEDS-D), collects data on discharges from substance abuse treatment facilities. The first year of TEDS-A data is 1992, while the first year of TEDS-D is 2006.\nTEDS variables that are required to be reported are called the \"Minimum Data Set (MDS)\", while those that are optional are called the \"Supplemental Data Set (SuDS)\".\nVariables in the MDS include: information on service setting, number of prior treatments, primary source of referral, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment status, substance(s) abused, route of administration, frequency of use, age at first use, and whether methadone was prescribed in treatment. Supplemental variables include: diagnosis codes, presence of psychiatric problems, living arrangements, source of income, health insurance, expected source of payment, pregnancy and veteran status, marital status, detailed not in labor force codes, detailed criminal justice referral codes, days waiting to enter treatment, and the number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admissions (starting in 2008) .\nSubstances abused include alcohol, cocaine and crack, marijuana and hashish, heroin, nonprescription methadone, other opiates and synthetics, PCP, other hallucinogens, methamphetamine, other amphetamines, other stimulants, benzodiazepines, other non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers, barbiturates, other non-barbiturate sedatives or hypnotics, inhalants, over-the-counter medications, and other substances.\nCreated variables include total number of substances reported, intravenous drug use (IDU), and flags for any mention of specific substances.","dateModified":"Mon Nov 23 14:40:47 EST 2015","spatialCoverage":"United States","distribution":["contentURL":" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10","@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application/zip","fileFormat":"SAS","contentURL":" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10","@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application/zip","fileFormat":"SPSS","contentURL":" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10","@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application/zip","fileFormat":"Stata","contentURL":" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10","@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application/zip","fileFormat":"ASCII","contentURL":" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10","@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application/zip","fileFormat":"Delimited"],"@context":" ","version":"V10","url":" ","datePublished":"Mon Apr 06 17:01:35 EDT 2009","license":" ","dateCreated":"2015-11-23 14:40:47.0","temporalCoverage":["1992 -- 2012"],"name":"Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012","publisher":"@type":"Organization","name":"Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]","alternateName":"ICPSR","url":" "}function modalCloseHandler(helpTerm,elem) $('#helpViewDivId').unbind('');$('#helpViewDivId').on('', function (e) $(elem).focus(););function displayHelp(helpTerm,elem)ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelpViewer, modalId:'helpViewDivId', helpTerm:helpTerm, context:'pcms', application:'icpsr',module:null,appUrl:' '), document.getElementById('helpViewDiv'));$('#helpViewDivId').on('', function (e) $('#helpViewDivId .modal-header .close').focus(); modalCloseHandler(helpTerm,elem););$('#helpViewDivId').modal('show');function displayPlainHelp(helpTerm,elem)ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(getHelpText, helpTerm:helpTerm, context:'pcms', application:'icpsr',module:null,appUrl:' '), document.getElementById('citation-help-text'));$("#data-doc").treetable( expandable: true );$(function () $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(););$(document).ready(function(e)var variables = ; = "staff";variables.studyId = "25221";variables.size = "0";variables.versionLabel = "V10";variables.publishManagerUrl = " ";variables.childCareUrl = " ";variables.searchServerUrl = " ";variables.bibliographyServerUrl = " ";variables.varsServerUrl = " ";variables.searchConfig = null;variables.searchResults = null;variables.restrictedDataTypes = "idars":false,"useAgreement":false,"restricted":false,"vde":false,"enclave":false;variables.staff = false;variables.currentTenant = "icpsr";variables.currentArchive = "nahdap";variables.studyTenant = "ddf";variables.studyArchive = "NAHDAP";variables.title = "Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012";variables.metadata = "purpose":"","collectionNotes":["The concatenated file is broken down into five parts primarily consisting of 5-year increments. However, Part 1 contains only three years of data; as of the 2012 data, Part 5 contains three years of data. Future years of data will be added to Part 5 until it also consists of five years of data. Providing these smaller parts makes downloading the data files easier and quicker. It also allows the full suite of data formats, such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata, to be made available.","Several limitations to the data exist and should be noted:\n\nThe number and client mix of TEDS records depends, to some\nextent, on external factors, including the availability of public\nfunds. In states with higher funding levels, a larger percentage of\nthe substance-abusing population may be admitted to treatment,\nincluding the less severely impaired and the less economically\ndisadvantaged.\nThe primary, secondary, and tertiary substances of abuse reported to TEDS are those substances that led to the treatment episode, and not necessarily a complete enumeration of all drugs used at the time of admission.\nThe way an\nadmission is defined may vary from state to state such that the\nabsolute number of admissions is not a valid measure for comparing\nstates.\nStates continually review\nthe quality of their data processing. As systematic\nerrors are identified, revisions may be enacted in historical TEDS data files. While\nthis process improves the dataset over time, reported historical\nstatistics may change slightly from year to year. States vary in the extent to which coercion\nplays a role in referral to treatment. This variation derives from\ncriminal justice practices and differing concentrations of abuser\nsubpopulations. Public funding constraints may direct states to\nselectively target special populations, for example, pregnant women\nor adolescents.\nTEDS consists of treatment admissions, and\ntherefore may include multiple admissions for the same client. Thus,\nany statistics derived from the data will represent admissions, not\nclients. It is possible for clients to have multiple initial\nadmissions within a state and even within providers that have multiple\ntreatment sites within the state. TEDS provides a national snapshot of\nwhat is seen at admission to treatment, but is currently not designed\nto follow individual clients through a sequence of treatment episodes.\nTEDS distinguishes between \"transfer admissions\" and \"initial\nadmissions.\" Transfer admissions include clients transferred for\ndistinct services within an episode of treatment. Only initial\nadmissions are included in the public-use file. Some states have no Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) that provide medication-assisted therapy\nusing methadone and/or buprenorphine.\n\n","In 2012, a new variable was added that reports the number of times, if any, that a client was arrested in the 30 days preceding his or her admission into treatment. The variable is not on files prior to 2008.","In 2012, changes were made to the full TEDS series. The changes consisted of the following:\n\nThe recoding scheme of the variable DENTLF (Detailed Not in Labor Force Category) was changed. The cases for \"Inmate of Institution\" have been separated from \"Other\" and are now a standalone category.\nThe recoding scheme of the variable DETCRIM (Detailed Criminal Justice Referral) was changed. The cases for \"Prison\" have been separated from \"Probation/Parole\" and are now a standalone category. The same was done for the cases for \"Diversionary Program\" which were previously combined with \"Other\". But the cases for \"Other Recognized Legal Entity\" previously combined with \"State/Federal Court, Other Court\" have now been combined with the \"Other\" category.","In 2011, a change was made to the full TEDS series. All records for which the age is missing are now excluded from the dataset.","In 2010, changes were made to the full TEDS series. The changes consisted of the following:\n\nClients 11 years old and younger are excluded from the dataset.\nPuerto Rico now has its own category for Census Region and Division. Clients in Puerto Rico were formerly classified into the South Census Region and South Atlantic Census Division.\nThe state FIPS (STFIPS) variable is retained and a second state variable was dropped to reduce redundancy.\nValue labels and question text are better aligned with the TEDS State Instruction Manual for Admissions Data\n.\nThe variable RACE is no longer recoded. Codes for \"Asian\" (code 13) and \"Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander\" (code 23) are now retained. Previously these codes were combined into the single code \"Asian or Pacific Islander\" (code 3). Each state may report any of the three codes. Therefore, all three codes remain in the data, unchanged from the way they are collected by the states. ","The categories and codes in this public-use file differ somewhat from those used by SAMHSA and those found in the TEDS Crosswalks and in other reports. This is a result of the recoding that was performed to protect client privacy in creating the public-use file.","To further protect respondent and provider privacy, all Behavioral Health Services Information System (BHSIS) unique identification numbers have been removed from the public-use data. Therefore, no linkages are possible between the TEDS and the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) public-use files.","The data are collected from the states by Synectics for Management Decisions, Incorporated, on behalf of SAMHSA.","The 2002-2012 public-use files were created using the most current data from October 2013 (the October 17, 2013 extract).\nThe 2001 public-use file is from an extract from October 2012 (the 10/15/2012 extract). \nThe 2000 public-use file is from an extract from October 2011 (the 10/10/2011 extract). \nThe 1999 public-use file is from an extract from April 2005 (the 4/11/2005 extract).\nThe 1992-1998 public-use files are from an extract created in May 2004 (the 5/11/2004 extract).","The SDA file will remain a single file that contains all years in the series concatenated together. Because of the large size of this file, the customized subset feature within SDA will not work. However, you may subset the data by downloading the entire data file, merging the parts together, and then selecting only the cases and/or variables you require to create the subset. If this is not preferable to you, SAMHDA staff can assist in creating a customized subset for you. Please refer to the codebook for further instructions on making this request through SAMHDA user support."],"studyDesign":"","description":"The Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) is a national census data system of annual admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities. TEDS-A provides annual data on the number and characteristics of persons admitted to public and private substance abuse treatment programs that receive public funding. The unit of analysis is a treatment admission. TEDS consists of data reported to state substance abuse agencies by the treatment programs, which in turn report it to SAMHSA.\nA sister data system, called the Treatment Episode Data Set -- Discharges (TEDS-D), collects data on discharges from substance abuse treatment facilities. The first year of TEDS-A data is 1992, while the first year of TEDS-D is 2006.\nTEDS variables that are required to be reported are called the \"Minimum Data Set (MDS)\", while those that are optional are called the \"Supplemental Data Set (SuDS)\".\nVariables in the MDS include: information on service setting, number of prior treatments, primary source of referral, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment status, substance(s) abused, route of administration, frequency of use, age at first use, and whether methadone was prescribed in treatment. Supplemental variables include: diagnosis codes, presence of psychiatric problems, living arrangements, source of income, health insurance, expected source of payment, pregnancy and veteran status, marital status, detailed not in labor force codes, detailed criminal justice referral codes, days waiting to enter treatment, and the number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admissions (starting in 2008) .\nSubstances abused include alcohol, cocaine and crack, marijuana and hashish, heroin, nonprescription methadone, other opiates and synthetics, PCP, other hallucinogens, methamphetamine, other amphetamines, other stimulants, benzodiazepines, other non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers, barbiturates, other non-barbiturate sedatives or hypnotics, inhalants, over-the-counter medications, and other substances.\nCreated variables include total number of substances reported, intravenous drug use (IDU), and flags for any mention of specific substances.","jsonld":"\"funder\":[\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.\"],\"identifier\":\" \",\"creator\":[\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.\"],\"keywords\":[\"alcohol abuse\",\"drug abuse\",\"drug treatment\",\"health care services\",\"health insurance\",\"intervention\",\"mental health\",\"substance abuse\",\"substance abuse treatment\",\"treatment programs\"],\"citation\":\"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2015-11-23. \",\"@type\":\"Dataset\",\"description\":\"The Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) is a national census data system of annual admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities. TEDS-A provides annual data on the number and characteristics of persons admitted to public and private substance abuse treatment programs that receive public funding. The unit of analysis is a treatment admission. TEDS consists of data reported to state substance abuse agencies by the treatment programs, which in turn report it to SAMHSA.\\nA sister data system, called the Treatment Episode Data Set -- Discharges (TEDS-D), collects data on discharges from substance abuse treatment facilities. The first year of TEDS-A data is 1992, while the first year of TEDS-D is 2006.\\nTEDS variables that are required to be reported are called the \\\"Minimum Data Set (MDS)\\\", while those that are optional are called the \\\"Supplemental Data Set (SuDS)\\\".\\nVariables in the MDS include: information on service setting, number of prior treatments, primary source of referral, gender, race, ethnicity, education, employment status, substance(s) abused, route of administration, frequency of use, age at first use, and whether methadone was prescribed in treatment. Supplemental variables include: diagnosis codes, presence of psychiatric problems, living arrangements, source of income, health insurance, expected source of payment, pregnancy and veteran status, marital status, detailed not in labor force codes, detailed criminal justice referral codes, days waiting to enter treatment, and the number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admissions (starting in 2008) .\\nSubstances abused include alcohol, cocaine and crack, marijuana and hashish, heroin, nonprescription methadone, other opiates and synthetics, PCP, other hallucinogens, methamphetamine, other amphetamines, other stimulants, benzodiazepines, other non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers, barbiturates, other non-barbiturate sedatives or hypnotics, inhalants, over-the-counter medications, and other substances.\\nCreated variables include total number of substances reported, intravenous drug use (IDU), and flags for any mention of specific substances.\",\"dateModified\":\"Mon Nov 23 14:40:47 EST 2015\",\"spatialCoverage\":\"United States\",\"distribution\":[\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"SAS\",\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"SPSS\",\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"Stata\",\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"ASCII\",\"contentURL\":\" =/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10\",\"@type\":\"DataDownload\",\"encodingFormat\":\"application/zip\",\"fileFormat\":\"Delimited\"],\"@context\":\" \",\"version\":\"V10\",\"url\":\" \",\"datePublished\":\"Mon Apr 06 17:01:35 EDT 2009\",\"license\":\" \",\"dateCreated\":\"2015-11-23 14:40:47.0\",\"temporalCoverage\":[\"1992 -- 2012\"],\"name\":\"Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012\",\"publisher\":\"@type\":\"Organization\",\"name\":\"Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\"alternateName\":\"ICPSR\",\"url\":\" \"","analysisUnit":["treatment admissions"],"source":["Administrative records from substance abuse treatment\nprograms as reported to state substance abuse agencies."],"title":"Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012","sampProc":"","timeMeth":["Longitudinal"],"kindOfData":["administrative records data"],"keyword":["alcohol abuse","drug abuse","drug treatment","health care services","health insurance","intervention","mental health","substance abuse","substance abuse treatment","treatment programs"],"isReplacedBy":"","publishStatus":"PUBLISHED","creator":["orgName":"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.","orgEmail":"","orgId":"Td0lf"],"commonScales":"","collectionMode":["record abstracts"],"citation":"\n United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2015-11-23. \n","created":"2009-04-06","alternative":["TEDS-A, Concatenated, 1992 to 2012"],"weights":"","versionMismatch":false,"distributor":["Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research"],"collectionChanges":["2018-02-15 The citation of this study may have changed due to the new version control system that has been implemented. The previous citation was: United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Treatment Episode Data Set -- Admissions (TEDS-A) -- Concatenated, 1992 to 2012. ICPSR25221-v10. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2015-11-23. ","2015-11-23 Covers for the PDF documentation were revised.","2014-09-23 Recoded Midwest value in Region variable to correct value after inadvertent incorrect labeling of missing.","2014-07-28 Added 2012 data to the TEDS-A concatenated data file. Replaced 2002-2011 data with new extracts.\nChanged the Stata system data file from version 13 to version 12 for compatibility on a wider range of systems.","2014-01-27 Updated parts 4 and 5 in order to correct the ARRESTS variable. ARRESTS variable for these two parts was not supposed to display as all cases missing.","2014-01-24 Added 2011 data to the TEDS-A concatenated data file. Replaced 2001-2010 data with new extracts.","2012-07-25 Added 2010 data to the TEDS-A concatenated data file. Replaced 2000-2009 data with new extracts. The years of 1992 to 1999 were reprocessed in accordance with updated disclosure and processing decisions. A new variable, ARRESTS, has been included in the dataset for the years of 2008 to 2010 only. The recodes for the variables DETNLF and DETCRIM have been revised to provide greater utility in using these variables in analysis.","2011-06-28 Added 2009 data to TEDS-A concatenated data file. Replaced 2000-2008 data with new extracts. The years of 1992 to 1999 were reprocessed in accordance with updated disclosure and processing decisions. Cases where age was missing have been excluded from the dataset. Minor changes to some variable labels, value labels, and question text were made to better align the variables with the information presented in the TEDS Admissions manual.","2010-05-04 Added 2008 data to TEDS-A concatenated data file. Replaced 2000-2007 data with new extracts. The years of 1992 to 1999 were reprocessed in accordance with updated disclosure and processing decisions. The variable SERVSET was renamed to SERVSETA to distinguish it from the service setting variable in the TEDS Discharge data.","2009-09-21 Updated the data file to correct a prior error that occurred in the original processing. The error occurred in the coding of the variable ROUTE3 for the state of Nebraska on the 2007 datafile.","2009-04-06 ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:Performed consistency checks.Created variable labels and/or value labels.Standardized missing values.Created online analysis version with question text.Performed recodes and/or calculated derived variables.Checked for undocumented or out-of-range codes."],"variableDescription":"","geogUnit":"Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA)","collectionDates":["1992 -- 2012"],"universe":"State laws require certain substance abuse treatment programs to report all of their admissions and discharges to the State. In all States, treatment programs receiving any public funds are required to provide the data on both publicly and privately funded clients. In some States, programs that do not receive public funds are required to provide data as well. On the other hand, there are some instances in which information is provided only for clients whose treatment is funded through public monies. TEDS collects this data from the States on all admissions and discharges aged 12 or older. TEDS-A presents only the admission data.","respRate":"","location":["United States"],"fundingSources":["funderName":"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.","fundingSourceId":"8wfbE","display":"United States Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.","grantNo":""],"accessRights":"Users are reminded by the Substance Abuse and Mental\nHealth Services Administration (SAMHSA) that these data are to be used\nsolely for statistical analysis and reporting of aggregated\ninformation, and not for the investigation of specific individuals or\norganizations.","timePeriods":["1992 -- 2012"];variables.path = "/pcms/studies/0/2/5/2/25221/V10";variables.userEmail = "";onLoad(variables););$(document).ready(function() $(".navbar-toggle").click(function() $(this).toggleClass("active"))); $(document).ready(function()var url = ' -alerts?site=nahdap';var message = '';$.getJSON(url).done(function(data) if(data.length>0)data = data.slice(0, 1);$.each( data, function( i, item ) message += '';message += '' + item.Message + '';message += ''; ); $('.archonnex-alert-message-wrapper').prepend(message); ).fail(function() console.log( "No response from cms." ); ););$(window).on('load', function () if(document.body.contains(document.getElementById('archonnex-alert-message')))$('.archonnex-alert-message-wrapper').addClass('addABorder'); );Skip to Main Content Search Toggle navigation Log In/Create Account

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